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Monday, November 30, 2009

One step

So I went on the Wii this morning, and as suspected I was 2lbs lighter (226). So that's 3 lbs more to go with the holiday weight. I do not think I will make it to 215 by Jan 1st. Therefore, I am hoping to at least be at 220 (though it would be great to get into the teens, so maybe 219...).

I did not go to the gym as planned early this morning. I realized that this would be my only morning to sleep past 6:15am. I think that by giving myself "a free morning", psychologically, I will not be as stressed and therefore eat a little less during this long week.

For breakfast I had an english muffin with one egg on it (around 200 calories total). For a linner today I had a pre-made chicken masala entree from Safeway (380 calories). I ate so late due to a huge fight with the boyfriend. This made me realize that under mild stress/being upset I eat a lot. However, when I am upset to an extreme I lose my appetite. For a snack I had some goldfish and pirate booty (est 300 calories). Then for another snack when I got home from work I had a small quesadilla (total of 200 calories). This makes a total of 1080 calories for the day, which makes me happy! It also makes me realize how much junk food can add up. I had my usual Monday snack during a therapy group I facilitate, which came to 300 calories. That equals between a third and a fourth of my total calories I ate today.

I also did my weights and my abs tonight.

Overall today was a good day and a great start in the right direction. When I get back on the right track I usually find the first day easy and the second day the hardest. Wish me luck for tomorrow!

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