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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Topsy Turvey

So today went okay. I had a Luna bar for breakfast (230 calories). I went shopping and caved in and bought a pizza hut personal pan cheese pizza from Target. It was pretty tasty and cost me 640 calories. However, I did go to the gym (though I came VERY close to not going) and worked out for an hour on the elliptical (est. 555 calories burned). I am really happy I went, I do love the feeling I get after working out. I just have a problem getting there to do it. For dinner I had a frozen bean and cheese burrito (organic, lol, and 300 calories), with it I had a big bowl of steamed veggies (60 calories). I also had half a cup of raw milk with my dinner (a new thing I am trying out and it hasn't killed me like much of the propaganda out there would suggest). I also had one 100 calorie beer and half of a regular calorie (?) beer. Altogether, not too bad but obviously I could have done a little better (pizza and beer...).

I won't be able to work out for the next two days due to time constraints. However, I am hoping (and planning!) to make healthy eating choices.

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