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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today was a good and super hard day. I began my day as usual, with my oatmeal. I followed that up with a 60 minute work out on the elliptical (500+ calories burned)! It felt great! However, I’ve been hungry every since. I ate a Subway sandwich for lunch. No mayo, wheat bread. Total calories, 400. I then had a cup and a half of broccoli a few hours later. An hour later I had a cup of imitation crab meat. Then for dinner I had… oatmeal, followed by another ½ cup of crab meat. At the end of the evening I had my hot coco. I stayed up kind of late and then had a popsicle with my roommate. I did snack more than usual, however, I kept it pretty healthy. I REALLY wanted fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and a biscuit. Ahhh, it sounds so good. I would definitely say that today has been the worst cravings ever!

I also realized that my hot coco proportions were pretty large. I measured out my mug today and it holds 2 cups. So in my head I was thinking one cup of nonfat milk (90 calories) and really it was double, so 180 calories. Add on the 60 calories from the coco mix, and this little snack has 240 calories in it! This is how many calories are in my oatmeal! So now I will be using a smaller cup, so that my treat comes down to 150 calories, which I do not mind.

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for lunch. This could possibly be a big no no because it’s easy to be super hungry after the gym and then to say f*it at the restaurant and order something pretty unhealthy. Like fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and a biscuit!! So I have looked at the menu and already decided what I should get. I am REALLY hoping that when it all goes down tomorrow I will have the strength to order my sandwich with veggies instead of the garlic potato rings that are offered. I wish that every restaurant showed what the calorie content of the food is. Because sometimes it is worth the extra calories, yet much of the time how much calories are really in a dish is astounding. This alone being displayed I think would help with better choices. I hope that this reminder will assist me in choosing the better choice (like honey mustard instead of the lowfat garlic mayo…).
Good luck (strength!) tomorrow!

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