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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Small steps

Day three of eating well, taking vitamins and exercising has gone well thus far. I am feeling pretty good, not wanting to murder anyone for a piece of pizza…yet. I have eaten all meals from home or brought them from home. Snacks have consisted of veggies, fruit, granola and rice cakes.

Last night I almost gave in to temptation. It was a hard day at work and by the time 8pm rolled around I really wanted some fried chicken. However, remembering that I NEED to change my habit NOW I drove past the Safeway without stopping and went home. I heated up 6 chicken nuggets from Trader Joe’s (300 calories) and some veggies (120 calories) for dinner.

I ran on the treadmill on Monday for the first time in a month. My thighs are definitely not happy with me.

I stepped on the Wii this afternoon and it says that I am 226, which is a great feeling! I was originally not going to go to the gym tonight due to my legs still hurting. However, after seeing my progress I went for 30 minutes on the elliptical.

I hope the remainder of the week goes as well!

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